Your Partners In Success

Get to know us

Since 2013, Simmons Livingstone & Associates has been helping local Gold Coast residents and businesses to achieve their financial goals, create wealth and prosper. Led by an award-winning management team, Simmons Livingstone continues to grow each year with more and more young, driven and enthusiastic financial experts keen to make a difference.

We combine our passions in collaboration, bringing our own perspective, skills and experience together to achieve the best outcomes for our clients. When we exceed your expectations, we know we’ve been successful in making a difference. Until then, we’ll work tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure your financial goals are met.

We also like to have a bit of fun every now and then, and so you might see us out on the footy field or out and about. If you do, make sure to say hi! We’re all about creating more than just the traditional client relationship. We want to be your partners in success.

Meet Our Leaders

With a shared passion and drive to improve financial livelihoods, you can trust you’re in great hands with our leadership team.


Simon Livingstone



Kris Simmons



Tom Graham

Partner - Financial Planning


Sam Young

Partner - Financial Planning

Meet Our Team

We’d love for you to get to know our continually expanding team, and discover why we’re so passionate about making a financial difference to our clients. With over 30 staff across our financial planning, accounting and broking teams, there is no better way to get to know us, then via a friendly chat.

Before you do reach out, know that we are a young (in mind and in age), friendly and awesome team of professionals really excited to meet you.

Start your journey with an expert team that you can trust right from the beginning.

Delivering Success

Our success is not defined by the awards we’ve won, but the impact we make in the lives of our clients. We’re your partners in success. But by the way, we have won a few awards too.

  • Young Entrepreneur Gold Coast 2021 Finance – Winner
  • Young Entrepreneur Gold Coast 2017, 2019 & 2021 – Finalist
  • QLD IPA Accounting Firm of the Year
  • Top 40 Under 40 – Read More…
  • Infocus Revenue Growth Award 
  • Infocus Largest Growth of Funds Under Management
  • In Focus – Infocus Award Winner Rising Star Award
  • In Focus – Infocus Award Winner Outstanding Team Member
  • Telstra Business Awards 2019 – Finalist

What our clients think

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